Friday, November 4, 2016


The topic of waiting until marriage was one I was asked verily often throughout high school. It seemed to be the only thing a lot of my friends were talking about. In fact, I am sure it still does with a number a high school students today. The idea of waiting seemed so foreign to them, and they never understood why. For a while, I did not understand why either, but I had been told my entire life that I needed too.

Through different experiences in my life, I finally understand why waiting until marriage to have sex is so key. It is because it is sacred. That bond that you and spouse share is something so special I cannot imagine sharing that with more than them. I heard often of breakups, made so much harder because that bond was there. As you spend more time together, you grow so much together. You share something special and sacred, that God intended for you to only with one other person.  

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