Saturday, November 12, 2016

Family Crisis

When families are placed under stressful situations, many different reactions can occur. There can be heart break, there can be fighting, among other things. Sometimes the situation is something out of our control. When I was seventeen, my father was diagnosed with Kidney cancer. It is something that threw my family for a loop. My father went into surgery to have the cancer removed, and we were told that there was a great chance that he would be home in three to four days, recovering, but cancer free. Unfortunately that is not what happened. Complications arose and my father ended up having to stay in the hospitals for two weeks.

Those two weeks were extremely hard complicated. Between my mother working a full time job, I attending high school, working, and an active participate in my ballet company, along with my brother attending college locally we were already a busy family, but now we had to add taking care of my father and making sure he was okay. We spent every second we could at the hospital, It was two weeks that changed my life forever. My family after that understood how fast everything can change. We stopped taking each other for granted and wanted to be around each other more. Our home was filled with more happiness and joy than ever before.

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