Friday, October 7, 2016

The Melting Pot

During my eleventh grade English class, we were given an assignment to ask our peers what they thought of the phrase "America is a melting pot" meant. Most of the answers were something along the lines of "it means there are a lot of different kind of people here". Less often, I was told they had no idea or they had never heard that phrase before. One really stood out to me that has stuck with with me since then. They said "It means people come here expecting something great and amazing, and instead they get burned." I was pretty off put and confused by that but I finally feel I understand what they were saying.

So often, others come to America in hopes for a better life, not necessarily for them, but for their future generations. What we do not realize is the impact this can have on the family. Families are torn apart and separated by the intense desire to have a better life. When families are finally reunited, they have been apart for so long, the family roles and dynamics have completely changed. This, however, does not mean they are any less a family than families that have stayed together and lived in America all their lives. No family is greater than another, because they all are revolved around loved. When love is your motivation, your motivation is pure. These families that were separated, were because the parents loved their children so much, they waned something better for them than what they had. Love changes everything,          

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