Thursday, October 20, 2016

To Steady Date... Or Not?

Confession: I am a steady dater. I always have been. I love having a boyfriend and I think that dating around is really awkward. From the moment I was sixteen and allowed to officially go on dates, it did not take long a lot for me to realize that going on dates was not nearly as fun as just dating one guy. So at sixteen I had my first boyfriend. We dated about a year, and then it was boring. It was like waking up one day in the dark. Nothing felt fun, it was same old things everyday. So we broke up. It did not take long until I was right back steady dating someone new. Shocker, right? This one ended soon, and then I was back with the first boy, then with the second boy again. It was a mess. High school ended (thankfully) and with that came a move across the country to a new state, where hardly anyone knew me. I could date around and just have fun. I think you might be able to guess what actually happened...

I dated for two months. Some of the dates were TERRIBLE. Some were magical. Some never called back for another date. Some called too often, Then I met the him. He was nice, kind, giving, and actually liked me. So we rushed into a relationship. Turns out he was a steady date kind of person too. We both ended up serving missions for our church* but agreed that we would write each other and come home and get married and live happily ever after.

Fast forward a little over two years, we are both home, and plot twist, we are not together. Things ended messy and it was hard, but I knew the Lord had a greater plan for me. While on my mission I had some experiences that led me to start writing an elder I served with after I got home. We wrote, as friends, the rest of his time out, and began talking everyday after he did get home. We met up about two months after he got home for a date of bowling and ice cream. He lives in Utah, and I live in Idaho, so neither of us were sure where it was going to go, but we both had so much fun. We continued to talk all the time and things were just so easy with him. At this point we had talked so much that I considered him an amazing friend, my best friend actually. One night, as I was reflecting back on my life over the past couple of years I had the thought come to mind "I told you there was someone better."

God has a plan. He knows what we need rather than what we want, and  sometimes it is hard to accept that plan. Trust me, though, His plan brings true happiness. I am a witness of that.

*To learn more about missions you can go to:

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