Friday, September 30, 2016

Family Roles

When I think of a family roles, I often think of the simple mother, father, daughter, and son roles, but there are so many other roles. You could be the role model, the hard worker, the forgiving one, or even the troublemaker. Family roles are what make each of us different. My family for example, my mother has always had a 8-5, Monday-Friday office job, rather than my dad, like in most families. My dad went back to school while I was in high school to become a chief. He picked me up from school, dance, and anywhere else. I do not resent my mother for being a work a lot, because I understand it is because of her we were able to enjoy so many things.

My brother and I had reverse roles a lot of time. He was very complacent in life. I on the other hand, the younger of us, could not wait to get out of the house and be on my own. I started working at my dance studio and watching children on the weekend. I was told on more than one time that I acted more like the older sibling.

Family roles are different for everyone, but they are what makes the family dynamics work so well.        

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