Thursday, September 22, 2016

It Really Does Matter

We discussed a lot this about fertility rates. Throughout class I began thinking about about my life. My father was married before my mother. His first wife, unfortunately, passed away during childbirth, and soon after his newborn, baby boy also passed. I cannot begin to imagine the pain he felt during that time. He later met my mother, converted to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and married her for time and all eternity. They decided they would try for a child. My mother became pregnant with my brother. Although there was still some complications during birth, she delivered a healthy baby boy, and they were overjoyed. My parents both agreed at that point, they were done having children. They had a happy, healthy, well loved son. What more could they ask for?

My mother began feeling incomplete. One night, she had a dream. She dreamed of a baby girl, waiting, wishing, wanting to come to Earth to join her family. My mother knew then, that there was one more. There was a spirit waiting to join that family. Her family. To gain a body. To learn and grow, through the experiences she needed to have to be able to return to live with Heavenly Father again. Soon after, I was born. 

I am eternally grateful for my mother following that dream. I am grateful they chose to not follow their plan, but the plan Heavenly Father had for them. Having children cannot and should not be a selfish decision. The world is so much more then just us. It is made of up of people we interact with everyday. Who are we to deny those interactions?   

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