Friday, December 9, 2016


I was diving home from dance one day with my father, when out of the blue he asked me, "how many of your friend's parents are divorced?" I thought about it, and as I went through the list in my head, I was shocked. I counted a total of ten. That memory has always stuck with me when I think about divorce. My best friend, Jade, grew up only seeing her biological father every once in a while. Nicole  never saw her father, and never wanted too. Ava split time evenly with her mother and father. Brad's mother moved far away after their divorce. I could not imagine growing up in a home where both my mother and father were not present. My friend's often referred to my parents as "mom and dad". At the time, I did not think anything of it, but now I believe they did that because they were craving the stability that comes from not divorced parents.

Out of my friends, only some of them had step parents. Those relationships were extra tricky. They felt they could not turn to them when they were in need, and they did not like them telling them what they can and can not do. I saw my friends hurt many times because of relationships and the struggles they were having. It was heartbreaking for me to watch that, as there friend. Remarriages are tricky, especially when there is children involved. It takes a special man or woman to step up and raise someone else's child(ren).

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